
At LEADER, we're driven by a singular mission: to fuse innovation with sustainability. From product inception to daily operations, we prioritize green energy, carbon reduction, and environmental safeguards. Through stringent supplier standards and active community engagement, we're committed to a future of eco-conscious practices.

Environmental Initiatives

Paving the Way to a Greener Future

Recycling & Reuse

Implementation of green energy, carbon reduction, and environmental protection in product development and manufacturing.
Promotion of office waste reduction, resource recovery, and reuse.

Environmental Policy

Formulation of an environmental maintenance code.
Establishment of environmental maintenance norms as a foundation for all colleagues to follow.

CSR Regulations

Implementation of "Supplier/Partner CSR Management Regulations" to ensure product compliance with environmental protection and energy conservation standards.
Signing of the "Guarantee for the Non-Use of Hazardous Substances and Environmentally Prohibited and Restricted Substances" with suppliers as an environmental protection guarantee for green products.

Social Responsibility

Public Welfare Activities

With the policy of "caring for the local disadvantaged, implementing environmental protection, and social welfare", LEADER cooperates with Kiwanis International, Lions Clubs International, Changhua County Government, and temples to care for the disadvantaged and actively participate in public welfare activities.

Corporate Social Responsibility

LEADER encourages and supports colleagues to participate in various public welfare activities to respond to social needs, and then cultivate social citizenship awareness, internalize it into corporate social responsibility culture, and implement the concept of corporate giving back to society.

Sustainable Development

Starting from the daily management of colleagues, LEADER not only reduces the impact of operations on the environment, but also calls on everyone to take actions for environmental sustainability and contribute to the sustainable development of the environment.


We fulfill the needs of each customer with the best quality and innovative custom products through incessant research and development for customers to ensure precision and maximize profit.

Custom Products

Governance Organization