Mission & Value


LEADER AUTOMATION CO., LTD. providing overall solutions for the industry, we deeply understand that Taiwan's industries are eager to upgrade their industries to keep up with the international industrial level, but because the cost of importing advanced industrial equipment is not what ordinary enterprises can do.

Therefore, we have been committed to the development of industrial robot and the system integration of AI automation. We look forward to assisting Taiwan's industry to upgrade to Industry 4.0.

Business Philosophy

We have four philosophies "integrity, responsibility, innovation, and service", tailor-made for customers with the highest quality, innovative research and development, absolutely make the products and equipment that customers need can be used accurately and accurately on schedule, help customers create maximum profits, and work together with customers Growth, focus on the industry, research and development innovation, durable products, customized planning, whole plant output, after-sales service, and serve customers with the business philosophy and beliefs of customized needs.